function [c,info] = fwt(f,w,J,varargin)
%FWT Fast Wavelet Transform
% Usage: c = fwt(f,w,J);
% c = fwt(f,w,J,dim);
% [c,info] = fwt(...);
% Input parameters:
% f : Input data.
% w : Wavelet definition.
% J : Number of filterbank iterations.
% dim : Dimension to along which to apply the transform.
% Output parameters:
% c : Coefficient vector.
% info : Transform parameters struct.
% FWT(f,w,J) returns discrete wavelet coefficients of the input signal
% f using J iterations of the basic wavelet filterbank defined by
% w using the fast wavelet transform algorithm (Mallat's algorithm).
% The coefficients are the Discrete Wavelet transform (DWT) of the input
% signal f, if w defines two-channel wavelet filterbank. The following
% figure shows DWT with J=3.
% The function can apply the Mallat's algorithm using basic filterbanks
% with any number of the channels. In such case, the transform have a
% different name.
% Several formats of the basic filterbank definition w are recognized.
% One of them is a text string formed by a concatenation of a function
% name with the wfilt_ prefix followed by a list of numerical arguments
% delimited by :. For example 'db10' will result in a call to
% wfilt_db(10) or 'spline4:4' in call to wfilt_spline(4,4) etc.
% All filter defining functions can be listed by running
% dir([ltfatbasepath,filesep,'wavelets',filesep,'wfilt_*']);
% Please see help of the respective functions and follow references
% therein.
% For other recognized formats of w please see FWTINIT.
% [c,info]=FWT(f,w,J) additionally returns struct. info containing
% transform parameters. It can be conviniently used for the inverse
% transform IFWT e.g. as fhat = iFWT(c,info). It is also required
% by the PLOTWAVELETS function.
% If f is row/column vector, the subbands c are stored
% in a single row/column in a consecutive order with respect to the
% inceasing central frequency. The lengths of subbands are stored in
% info.Lc so the subbands can be easily extracted using WAVPACK2CELL.
% Moreover, one can pass an additional flag 'cell' to obtain the
% coefficient directly in a cell array. The cell array can be again
% converted to a packed format using WAVCELL2PACK.
% If the input f is a matrix, the transform is applied to each column
% if dim==1 (default) and [Ls, W]=size(f). If dim==2
% the transform is applied to each row [W, Ls]=size(f).
% The output is then a matrix and the input orientation is preserved in
% the orientation of the output coefficients. The dim paramerer has to
% be passed to the WAVPACK2CELL and WAVCELL2PACK when used.
% Boundary handling:
% ------------------
% FWT(f,w,J,'per') (default) uses the periodic extension which considers
% the input signal as it was a one period of some infinite periodic signal
% as is natural for transforms based on the FFT. The resulting wavelet
% representation is non-expansive, that is if the input signal length is a
% multiple of a J-th power of the subsampling factor and the filterbank
% is critically subsampled, the total number of coefficients is equal to
% the input signal length. The input signal is padded with zeros to the
% next legal length L internally.
% The default periodic extension can result in "false" high wavelet
% coefficients near the boundaries due to the possible discontinuity
% introduced by the zero padding and periodic boundary treatment.
% FWT(f,w,J,ext) with ext other than 'per' computes a slightly
% redundant wavelet representation of the input signal f with the chosen
% boundary extension ext. The redundancy (expansivity) of the
% represenation is the price to pay for using general filterbank and
% custom boundary treatment. The extensions are done at each level of the
% transform internally rather than doing the prior explicit padding.
% The supported possibilities are:
% 'zero' Zeros are considered outside of the signal (coefficient)
% support.
% 'even' Even symmetric extension.
% 'odd' Odd symmetric extension.
% Note that the same flag has to be used in the call of the inverse
% transform function IFWT if the info struct is not used.
% Examples:
% ---------
% A simple example of calling the FWT function using 'db8' wavelet
% filters.:
% [f,fs] = greasy;
% J = 10;
% [c,info] = fwt(f,'db8',J);
% plotwavelets(c,info,fs,'dynrange',90);
% Frequency bands of the transform with x-axis in a log scale and band
% peaks normalized to 1. Only positive frequency band is shown. :
% [g,a] = wfbt2filterbank({'db8',10,'dwt'});
% filterbankfreqz(g,a,20*1024,'linabs','posfreq','plot','inf','flog');
% See also: ifwt, plotwavelets, wavpack2cell, wavcell2pack, thresh
% References:
% S. Mallat. A wavelet tour of signal processing. Academic Press, San
% Diego, CA, 1998.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Peter L. Soendergaard <> and others.
% This file is part of LTFAT version 2.6.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Zdenek Prusa
% Initialize the wavelet filters structure
w = fwtinit(w);
%% ----- step 0 : Check inputs -------
definput.import = {'fwt'};
definput.keyvals.dim = [];
definput.flags.cfmt = {'pack','cell'};
%% ----- step 1 : Verify f and determine its length -------
%% ----- step 2 : Determine number of ceoefficients in each subband *Lc*
% and next legal input data length *L*.
[Lc, L] = fwtclength(Ls,w,J,flags.ext);
% Pad with zeros if the safe length L differ from the Ls.
%% ----- step 3 : Run computation.
c = comp_fwt(f,w.h,w.a,J,flags.ext);
%% ----- FINALIZE: Change format of coefficients.
if flags.do_pack
c = wavcell2pack(c,dim);
%% ----- FILL INFO STRUCT ----------------------
if nargout>1
info.fname = 'fwt';
info.wt = w;
info.ext = flags.ext;
info.Lc = Lc;
info.J = J;
info.dim = dim;
info.Ls = Ls;
info.isPacked = flags.do_pack;