zak(f,a) computes the Zak transform of f with parameter a. The coefficients are arranged in an \(a \times L/a\) matrix, where L is the length of f.
If f is a matrix then the transformation is applied to each column. This is then indexed by the third dimension of the output.
Assume that \(c=zak(f,a)\), where f is a column vector of length L and \(N=L/a\). Then the following holds for \(m=0,\ldots,a-1\) and \(n=0,\ldots,N-1\)
This figure shows the absolute value of the Zak-transform of a Gaussian. Notice that the Zak-transform is 0 in only a single point right in the middle of the plot
a=64; L=a^2; g=pgauss(L); zg=zak(g,a); surf(abs(zg));
This figure shows the absolute value of the Zak-transform of a 4th order Hermite function. Notice how the Zak transform of the Hermite functions is zero on a circle centered on the corner
a=64; L=a^2; g=pherm(L,4); zg=zak(g,a); surf(abs(zg));
A. J. E. M. Janssen. Duality and biorthogonality for discrete-time Weyl-Heisenberg frames. Unclassified report, Philips Electronics, 002/94.
H. Bölcskei and F. Hlawatsch. Discrete Zak transforms, polyphase transforms, and applications. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 45(4):851--866, april 1997.