[F1,F2]=framepair(ftype,g1,g2,...) constructs two new frame objects F1 and F2 of the same type ftype using the windows g1 and g2. The windows are specific to choosen frame type. See the help on frame for the windows and arguments.
This function makes it easy to create a pair of canonical dual frames: simply specify 'dual' as window if one frame should be the dual of the other.
This is most easily explained through some examples. The following example creates a Gabor frame for real-valued signals with a Gaussian analysis window and its canonical dual frame as the synthesis frame:
f=greasy; [Fa,Fs]=framepair('dgtreal','gauss','dual',20,294); c=frana(Fa,f); r=frsyn(Fs,c); norm(f-r)
The following example creates a Wilson basis with a Gaussian synthesis window, and its canonical dual frame as the analysis frame: