function [g,a,fc,L,info]=audfilters(fs,Ls,varargin)
%AUDFILTERS Generates filters equidistantly spaced on auditory frequency scales
% Usage: [g,a,fc,L]=audfilters(fs,Ls);
% [g,a,fc,L]=audfilters(fs,Ls,...);
% Input parameters:
% fs : Sampling rate (in Hz).
% Ls : Signal length.
% Output parameters:
% g : Cell array of filters.
% a : Downsampling rate for each channel.
% fc : Center frequency of each channel.
% L : Next admissible length suitable for the generated filters.
% [g,a,fc,L]=AUDFILTERS(fs,Ls) constructs a set of filters g that are
% equidistantly spaced on a perceptual frequency scale (see FREQTOAUD) between
% 0 and the Nyquist frequency. The filter bandwidths are proportional to the
% critical bandwidth of the auditory filters AUDFILTBW. The filters are intended
% to work with signals with a sampling rate of fs. The signal length Ls is
% mandatory, since we need to avoid too narrow frequency windows.
% By default the ERB scale is chosen but other frequency scales are
% possible. Currently supported scales are 'erb', 'erb83', 'bark', 'mel'
% and 'mel1000', and can be changed by passing the associated string as
% an optional parameter. See FREQTOAUD for more information on the
% supported frequency scales.
% By default, a Hann window shape is chosen as prototype frequency
% response for all filters. The prototype frequency response can be
% changed by passing any of the window types from FIRWIN or FREQWIN
% as an optional parameter.
% [g,a,fc,L]=AUDFILTERS(fs,Ls,fmin,fmax) constructs a set of filters
% between fmin and fmax. The filters are equidistantly spaced on the
% selected frequency scale. One additional filter will be positioned at
% the 0 and Nyquist frequencies each, so as to cover the full range of
% positive frequencies.
% The values of fmin and fmax can be instead specified using a
% key/value pair as:
% [g,a,fc,L]=audfilters(fs,Ls,...,'fmin',fmin,'fmax',fmax)
% Default values are fmin=0 and fmax=fs/2.
% For more details on the construction of the filters, please see the
% given references.
% Downsampling factors
% --------------------
% The integer downsampling rates of the channels must all divide the
% signal length, FILTERBANK will only work for input signal lengths
% being multiples of the least common multiple of the downsampling rates.
% See the help of FILTERBANKLENGTH.
% The fractional downsampling rates restrict the filterbank to a single
% length L=Ls.
% [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'regsampling') constructs a non-uniform
% filterbank with integer subsampling factors.
% [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'uniform') constructs a uniform filterbank
% where the integer downsampling rate is the same for all the channels. This
% results in most redundant representation which produces nice plots.
% [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'fractional') constructs a filterbank with
% fractional downsampling rates a.
% This results in the least redundant system.
% [g,a]=AUDFILTERS(...,'fractionaluniform') constructs a filterbank with
% fractional downsampling rates a, which are uniform for all filters
% except the "filling" low-pass and high-pass filters which can have different
% fractional downsampling rates. This is useful when uniform subsampling
% and low redundancy at the same time are desirable.
% Additional parameters
% ---------------------
% AUDFILTERS accepts the following optional parameters:
% 'spacing',b Specify the spacing between the filters, measured in
% scale units. Default value is b=1 for the scales
% 'erb', 'erb83' and 'bark'; the default is b=100 for
% 'mel' and 'mel1000'.
% 'bwmul',bwmul Bandwidth of the filters relative to the bandwidth
% returned by AUDFILTBW. Default value is bwmul=1 for
% the scales 'erb', 'erb83' and 'bark'; the default is
% b=100 for 'mel' and 'mel1000'.
% 'redmul',redmul Redundancy multiplier. Increasing the value of this
% will make the system more redundant by lowering the
% channel downsampling rates. Default
% value is 1. If the value is less than one, the
% system may no longer be painless.
% 'redtar',redtar Target redundancy. The downsampling factors will be
% adjusted to achieve a redundancy as close as possible
% to 'redtar'.
% 'M',M Specify the total number of filters between fmin and
% fmax. If this parameter is specified, it overwrites the
% 'spacing' parameter.
% 'symmetric' Create filters that are symmetric around their centre
% frequency. This is the default.
% 'warped' Create asymmetric filters that are symmetric on the
% auditory scale.
% 'complex' Construct a filterbank that covers the entire
% frequency range instead of just the positive
% frequencies this allows the analysis of complex
% valued signals.
% 'nosubprec' Disable subsample window positions.
% 'trunc_at' When using a prototype defined in FREQWIN, a hard
% thresholding of the filters at the specified threshold
% value is performed to reduce their support size.
% The default value is trunc_at=10e-5. When no
% truncation is desired, trunc_at=0 should be chosen.
% This value is ignored when a prototype shape from
% FIRWIN was chosen.
% 'min_win',min_win Minimum admissible window length (in samples).
% Default is 4. This restrict the windows not
% to become too narrow when L is low.
% Examples:
% ---------
% In the first example, we construct a highly redudant uniform
% filterbank on the ERB scale and visualize the result:
% [f,fs]=greasy; % Get the test signal
% [g,a,fc,L]=audfilters(fs,length(f),'uniform','M',100);
% c=filterbank(f,g,a);
% plotfilterbank(c,a,fc,fs,90,'audtick');
% In the second example, we construct a non-uniform filterbank with
% fractional sampling that works for this particular signal length, and
% test the reconstruction. The plot displays the response of the
% filterbank to verify that the filters are well-behaved both on a
% normal and an ERB-scale. The second plot shows frequency responses of
% filters used for analysis (top) and synthesis (bottom). :
% [f,fs]=greasy; % Get the test signal
% L=length(f);
% [g,a,fc]=audfilters(fs,L,'fractional');
% c=filterbank(f,{'realdual',g},a);
% r=2*real(ifilterbank(c,g,a));
% norm(f-r)
% % Plot the response
% figure(1);
% subplot(2,1,1);
% R=filterbankresponse(g,a,L,fs,'real','plot');
% subplot(2,1,2);
% semiaudplot(linspace(0,fs/2,L/2+1),R(1:L/2+1));
% ylabel('Magnitude');
% % Plot frequency responses of individual filters
% gd=filterbankrealdual(g,a,L);
% figure(2);
% subplot(2,1,1);
% filterbankfreqz(gd,a,L,fs,'plot','linabs','posfreq');
% subplot(2,1,2);
% filterbankfreqz(g,a,L,fs,'plot','linabs','posfreq');
% See also: filterbank, ufilterbank, ifilterbank, ceil23
% References:
% T. Necciari, P. Balazs, N. Holighaus, and P. L. Søndergaard. The ERBlet
% transform: An auditory-based time-frequency representation with perfect
% reconstruction. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on
% Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), pages 498--502,
% Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. IEEE.
% T. Necciari, N. Holighaus, P. Balazs, Z. Průša, P. Majdak, and
% O. Derrien. Audlet filter banks: A versatile analysis/synthesis
% framework using auditory frequency scales. Applied Sciences, 8(1),
% 2018. [1]http ]
% References
% 1.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Peter L. Soendergaard <> and others.
% This file is part of LTFAT version 2.6.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Authors: Peter L. Søndergaard (original 'erbfilters' function)
% Modified by: Thibaud Necciari, Nicki Holighaus
% Comments updated by: Nicki Holighaus (09.05.22)
% Date: 16.12.16
definput.flags.wintype = [ firwinflags, freqwinflags];
definput.keyvals.min_win = 4;
definput.flags.warp = {'symmetric','warped'};
definput.flags.real = {'real','complex'};
definput.flags.sampling = {'regsampling','uniform','fractional',...
[varargin,winCell] = arghelper_filterswinparser(definput.flags.wintype,varargin);
if isempty(winCell), winCell = {flags.wintype}; end
switch flags.audscale
case {'mel','mel1000'} % The mel scales are very fine, therefore default spacing is adjusted
if flags.do_bark && (fs > 44100)
error(['%s: Bark scale is not suitable for sampling rates higher than 44.1 kHz. ',...
'Please choose another scale.'],upper(mfilename));
if ~isscalar(kv.bwmul) || kv.bwmul <= 0
error('%s: bwmul must be a positive scalar.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isscalar(kv.redmul) || kv.redmul <= 0
error('%s: redmul must be a positive scalar.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isempty(kv.redtar)
if ~isscalar(kv.redtar) || kv.redtar <= 0
error('%s: redtar must be a positive scalar.',upper(mfilename));
if kv.redtar <= 1
warning('%s: redtar is very low; the resulting system might be unstable.',upper(mfilename));
if kv.fmax <= kv.fmin || kv.fmin < 0 || kv.fmax > fs/2
error('%s: fmax must be bigger than fmin and in the range [0,fs/2].',upper(mfilename));
if kv.trunc_at > 1 || kv.trunc_at < 0
error('%s: trunc_at must be in range [0,1].',upper(mfilename));
if ~isscalar(kv.min_win) || rem(kv.min_win,1) ~= 0 || kv.min_win < 1
error('%s: min_win must be an integer bigger or equal to 1.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isempty(kv.M)
kv.spacing = (freqtoaud(kv.fmax,flags.audscale) - freqtoaud(kv.fmin,flags.audscale))/(kv.M-1);
% Construct function handle for filter prototype and determine its ERB-type
% bandwidth
[filterfunc,winbw] = helper_filtergeneratorfunc(...
% Construct the AUD filterbank
fmin = max(kv.fmin,audtofreq(kv.spacing,flags.audscale));
fmax = min(kv.fmax,fs/2);
innerChanNum = floor((freqtoaud(fmax,flags.audscale)-freqtoaud(fmin,flags.audscale))/kv.spacing)+1;
fmax = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fmin,flags.audscale)+(innerChanNum-1)*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
% Make sure that fmax < fs/2, and F_ERB(fmax) = F_ERB(fmin)+k/spacing, for
% some k.
count = 0;
while fmax >= fs/2
count = count+1;
fmax = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fmin,flags.audscale)+(innerChanNum-count-1)*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
innerChanNum = innerChanNum-count;
if fmax <= fmin || fmin > fs/4 || fmax < fs/4
error(['%s: Bad combination of fs, fmax and fmin.'],upper(mfilename));
% Center frequencies are given as equidistantly spaced points on auditory
% scale
fc = [0;fc;fs/2];
M2 = innerChanNum+2;
ind = (2:M2-1)';
%% Compute the frequency support
% fsupp is measured in Hz
if flags.do_symmetric
% Generate lowpass filter parameters
fsupp(1) = 0; % Placeholder value
% Determine border of passband
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{-}
% Determine lowpass width
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
% Determine bandwidth-adapted decimation factor
aprecise(1) = max(fs./(2*max(fps0,0)+fsupp_temp1*kv.redmul),1);
% Generate highpass filter parameters
fsupp(end) = 0; % Placeholder value
% Determine border of passband
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{+}
% Determine highpass width
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
% Determine bandwidth-adapted decimation factor
aprecise(end) = max(fs./(2*(fc(end)-min(fps0,fs/2))+fsupp_temp1*kv.redmul),1);
% fsupp_scale is measured on the selected auditory scale
% The scaling is incorrect, it does not account for the warping (NH:
% I do think it is correct.)
% Convert fsupp into the correct widths in Hz, necessary to compute
% "a" in the next if-statement
% Generate lowpass filter parameters
fsupp(1) = 0; % Placeholder value
% Determine border of passband
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{-}
% Determine lowpass width
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
% Determine bandwidth-adapted decimation factor
aprecise(1) = max(fs./(2*max(fps0,0)+fsupp_temp1*kv.redmul),1);
% Generate highpass filter parameters
fsupp(end) = 0; % Placeholder value
% Determine border of passband
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{+}
% Determine highpass width
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
% Determine bandwidth-adapted decimation factor
aprecise(end) = max(fs./(2*(fc(end)-min(fps0,fs/2))+fsupp_temp1*kv.redmul),1);
% Do not allow lower bandwidth than keyvals.min_win
fsuppmin = kv.min_win/Ls*fs;
for ii = 1:numel(fsupp)
if fsupp(ii) < fsuppmin;
fsupp(ii) = fsuppmin;
% Find suitable channel subsampling rates
if any(aprecise<1)
error('%s: Invalid subsampling rates. Decrease redmul.',upper(mfilename))
%% Compute the downsampling rate
if flags.do_regsampling
% Shrink "a" to the next composite number
% Determine the minimal transform length
% Heuristic trying to reduce lcm(a)
while L>2*Ls && ~(all(a)==a(1))
maxa = max(a);
a(a==maxa) = 0;
a(a==0) = max(a);
L = filterbanklength(Ls,a);
% Determine true decimation factors from "aprecise" according to chosen
% subsampling scheme (see help above)
elseif flags.do_fractional
L = Ls;
elseif flags.do_fractionaluniform
L = Ls;
a= repmat([Ls,N],M2,1);
elseif flags.do_uniform
a = repmat(a,M2,1);
% Get an expanded "a" / Convert "a" to LTFAT 2-column fractional format
%% Compute the scaling of the filters
% Filters are scaled such that the energy of the subband coefficients
% remains approximately constant independent of the decimation factor
%% Construct the real or complex filterbank
if flags.do_real
% Scale the first and last channels
% Replicate the centre frequencies and sampling rates, except the first and
% last
fc =[fc; -flipud(fc(2:M2-1))];
ind = [ind;numel(fc)+2-(M2-1:-1:2)'];
%% Compute the filters
% This is actually much faster than the vectorized call.
g = cell(1,numel(fc));
for m=ind.'
% Generate lowpass filter
g{1} = audlowpassfilter(g(1:M2),a(1:M2,:),fc(1:M2),fs,scal(1),kv,flags);
% Generate highpass filter
g{M2} = audhighpassfilter(g(1:M2),a(1:M2,:),fc(1:M2),fs,scal(M2),kv,flags);
% Adjust the downsampling rates in order to achieve 'redtar' (see help
% above)
if ~isempty(kv.redtar)
if flags.do_uniform
% Compute and display redundancy for verification
org_red = (2*M2-2)/a(1);
a_new = floor(a*org_red/kv.redtar);
% Ensure that no decimation step is smaller than 1
a_new(a_new==0) = 1;
scal_new = org_red/kv.redtar*ones(numel(g),1);
% new_red = (M2-2)/a_new(1);
elseif flags.do_regsampling
%do not yet take high and lowpass filters into account
org_red = sum(2./a(2:end-1))+sum(1./a([1,end]));
a_new = [a(1);floor(a(2:end-1)*org_red/kv.redtar);a(end)];
% Adjust the low- and highpass filters
cbw = 2*sum(audfiltbw(fc(2:M2-1),flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul)/(kv.redtar*fs);
% low-pass
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
fsupp_temp0 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
a_new(1) = floor(max(fs./(2*fps0+fsupp_temp0/cbw),1));
% high-pass
fps1 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps1,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
a_new(end) = floor(max(fs./(2*(fc(end)-fps1)+fsupp_temp1/cbw),1));
% Ensure that no decimation step is smaller than 1
a_new(a_new==0) = 1;
% now, calculate the scaling factor for all filters
% The decimation factors of all filters except for lowpass and
% highpass are adjusted proportional to their bandwidth. For
% lowpass and highpass, only the tapered part is considered for
% adjustment to better preserve stability. Please consult the
% references for details.
dk_old = a(:,1)./a(:,2);
org_red = sum(2./dk_old(2:end-1))+sum(1./dk_old([1,end]));
a_new = [a(1,:);[a(2:end-1,1),ceil(a(2:end-1,2)*kv.redtar/org_red)];a(end,:)];
% Adjust d0 and dK to the new redundancy
cbw = 2*sum(audfiltbw(fc(2:M2-1),flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul)/(kv.redtar*fs);
% Low-pass
fps0 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{-}
fsupp_temp0 = audfiltbw(fps0,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
a_new(1,2) = ceil(Ls/max(fs./(2*fps0+fsupp_temp0/cbw),1));
% High-pass
fps1 = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);% f_{p,s}^{+}
fsupp_temp1 = audfiltbw(fps1,flags.audscale)/winbw*kv.bwmul;
a_new(end,2) = ceil(Ls/max(fs./(2*(fc(end)-fps1)+fsupp_temp1/cbw),1));
% Ensure that no decimation step is smaller than 1
idx = a_new(:,1)<a_new(:,2);
a_new(idx,2) = a_new(idx,1);
% Finally re-scale all filters
dk_new = a_new(:,1)./a_new(:,2);
scal_new = dk_new./dk_old;
% new_red = sum(2./dk_new)-sum(1./dk_new([1,end]));
g_new = filterbankscale(g,sqrt(scal_new)'); % Perform rescaling
%if flags.do_regsampling
% a = a_new(:,1);
a = a_new;
g = g_new;
if 0
% Compute and display redundancy for verification
fprintf('Original redundancy: %g \n', org_red);
fprintf('Target redundancy: %g \n', kv.redtar);
fprintf('Actual redundancy: %g \n', new_red);
winbwrat = winbw/0.754;
basebw = 1.875657;
info.fc = 2*fc/fs;
info.tfr = @(L)(1/L)*1./((2*fsupp*winbwrat/fs)./basebw).^2;
function glow = audlowpassfilter(g,a,fc,fs,scal,kv,flags)
% Make a probe, compute the restricted filter bank response to check if low-pass filter is needed
Lprobe = 10000;
FBresp0 = filterbankresponse(g(2:end-1),a(2:end-1,:),Lprobe,'real');
eps_thr = 1e-3;
ind_f1 = floor(fc(2)*Lprobe/fs);
ind_fK = floor(fc(end-1)*Lprobe/fs);
if ind_f1 == 0 || ...
min(FBresp0(1:ind_f1)) >= (1-eps_thr)*min(FBresp0(ind_f1:ind_fK))
% Not required
glow.H = @(L) 0;
glow.foff = @(L) 0;
glow.realonly = 0;
glow.delay = 0;
glow.fs = g{2}.fs;
% Required
% Compute the transition frequencies f_{p,s}^{-} and f_{p,e}^{-}
% Determines the width of the plateau
fps = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
% Determines the cosine transition frequency
fpe = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(2),flags.audscale)+4*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
fsupp_LP = 2*fpe;
ratio = 2*(fpe-fps)/fsupp_LP;
Lw = @(L) min(ceil(fsupp_LP*L/fs),L);
P0 = blfilter({'hann','taper',ratio},fsupp_LP,'fs',fs,'inf','min_win',kv.min_win);
temp_fbresp = @(L) filterbankresponse(g(2:end-1),a(2:end-1,:),L,'real');
Hinv = @(L) sqrt(max(temp_fbresp(L))-temp_fbresp(L));
% Compute the final low-pass filter
glow.H = @(L) fftshift(long2fir(...
glow.foff = @(L) -floor(Lw(L)/2);
glow.realonly = 0;
glow.delay = 0;
glow.fs = g{2}.fs;
function ghigh = audhighpassfilter(g,a,fc,fs,scal,kv,flags)
% Make a probe, compute the restricted filter bank response to check if hi-pass filter is needed
Lprobe = 10000;
FBresp0 = filterbankresponse(g(2:end-1),a(2:end-1,:),Lprobe,'real');
eps_thr = 1e-3;
ind_f1 = floor(fc(2)*Lprobe/fs);
ind_fK = floor(fc(end-1)*Lprobe/fs);
if ind_f1 == 0 ||...
min(FBresp0(ind_fK:floor(Lprobe/2))) >= (1-eps_thr)*min(FBresp0(ind_f1:ind_fK))
% Not required
ghigh.H = @(L) 0;
ghigh.foff = @(L) 0;
ghigh.realonly = 0;
ghigh.delay = 0;
ghigh.fs = g{2}.fs;
% Compute the transition frequencies f_{p,s}^{+} and f_{p,e}^{+}
% Determines the width of the plateau
fps = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-3*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
% Determines the cosine transition frequency
fpe = audtofreq(freqtoaud(fc(end-1),flags.audscale)-4*kv.spacing,flags.audscale);
% plateauWidth = 2*(fs/2-fps);
fsupp_HP = 2*(fs/2-fpe);
ratio = 2*(fps-fpe)/fsupp_HP;
Lw = @(L) min(ceil(fsupp_HP*L/fs),L);
PK = blfilter({'hann','taper',ratio},fsupp_HP,'fc',fs/2,'fs',fs,'inf','min_win',kv.min_win);
temp_fbresp = @(L) filterbankresponse(g(2:end-1),a(2:end-1,:),L,'real');
Hinv = @(L) sqrt(max(temp_fbresp(L))-temp_fbresp(L));
% Compute the final high-pass filter
ghigh.H = @(L) fftshift(long2fir(fftshift(...
ghigh.foff = @(L) ceil(L/2)-floor(Lw(L)/2)-1;
ghigh.realonly = 0;
ghigh.delay = 0;
ghigh.fs = g{2}.fs;